Letter to myself – by Don

Overcoming depression was the hardest thing you ever did. Being suicidal wasn’t easy. Happiness is the daily homework you didn’t Know existed. Society tricked you into thinking you can obtain happiness through objects and fame. The truth is you create happiness through personal growth.

You have to constantly remind yourself 

(Stop , think , Observe )

Always ground yourself when you begin to feel lost. Go out to the beach and meditate. Hit the reset button and correct the problems with a smile on your face. Always help but don’t attempt to save anyone, DO NOT ! Exert yourself in the process of helping, It was never your battle to begin with. When things get tough, don’t overwhelm yourself, simply  disconnect from the world. 

You were always a leader so lead by example. Continue to blossom and make an effort to touch someone’s life in a positive way, each day. Always be light. And be the change you want to see in the world.

Live it how you want to live it!  Always be Grateful and have a positive attitude.

You are the Key. I am so proud of  YOU. I am whole. I am complete. I look at life and I can not stop smiling. I have everything I need. I am enough. Parents are alive & well i keep improving, my mindset, my spirit, my energy is absolutely beautiful. People can feel my aura. People like me for being You. The universe is smiling at me. Everything around me is in perfect alignment and on the same frequency. 

(Inner peace – Love – Happiness) 

I am so proud of “You” 


always going to be grateful for “You” 

 I applaud “You”

I love “You”

Thank you 

It all started and ended w/ 



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