Time is a man made concept.

Time is something that governs our lives, yet it cannot be defined. Time is an illusion, at least that’s what Albert Einstein thought. Today we won’t get into the physics portion of things, instead let’s talk about what time is to us. 

Time is far more valuable than any currency on Earth, and yet it is something we all take for granted. Time moves in one direction for us and that’s forward- with or without our approval. 

In the United States an average male life expectancy is about 76 years of age and female life expectancy is about 82 years of age. Just think about how fast the last decade of our life has gone by! This is one of the simple ways to put time into perspective. Thinking back to the last decade some things might stand out. Maybe a birthday, vacation or a traumatic experience.

“What is ticking away is not the clock. What is ticking away is our life.” – Sadhguru

Our focus should be on the positive and not the negative. Many of us like to reminisce on the past and in the process of reminiscing we miss the big picture!

Life is passing us by and we anchor ourselves down to the past. We can become aware of our extremely limited existence and use this idea as a daily tool. This can allow us to put into perspective what matters at the end of the day. Taking time for ourselves for example, we are so busy pleasing those around us that it’s easy to forget the most important person- ourselves!

When was the last time we checked in on ourselves?

Have we really spend quality time with the people who mattered most?

Did we say everything we wanted to say to ____ before they passed away? 

Am I better than this?

Do I need a day to myself? Have I been a grouch lately? Am I wasting my time here?

Is there a new goal I have in mind?

Have I been living to the fullest?

What am I investing my time into?

Is there a reason I’m still investing time into this?

These questions are not so you dwell on the answers but rather change your perspective and live in the moment. Don’t spend today angry or upset. Tomorrow we might not wake up! How would we feel if in our moment of death, we realize we never got the chance to apologize to a certain person? What if we spent our days worrying about things like bills or what others might think of us. Even worse, we never made time to do something we always wanted to do.

Invest your time wisely. If you’re a hard working person or a family person, allocate the remaining time on things of substance- not Youtube, Facebook or Netflix.

It’s not bad to sit down and enjoy a movie or a TV show from time to time, but entertainment shouldn’t outweigh dreams and goals. Sometimes we might not have an exact idea or goal in mind, but we never even attempt to find out what they are.

Evolve with time

– Drop the toxic habits

– Put the phone down

– Remind yourself that tomorrow is not guaranteed and the only time you have is NOW.

– Make today memorable

– Only look back to see how far you’ve come

Would we spend our time differently if it was our last day alive?

Stop focusing on the lack of time and take rest of your day and make it count!

“A man who dares to waste one hour of time, has not discovered the value of life.” – Charles Darwin


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