
What is a soundbath?

To understand what a soundbath is and the benefits of it. One must first look into the study of cymatics. Cymatics is the visual effect of vibrations and sound. In one of the most popular studies, people place sand on a metal plate and then tune the plate to different frequencies. Frequencies that surround us on a daily basis. 

Once the plate is being tuned, the sand begins to take shape. The sand becomes fluid like water and takes form. As the wave lengths change so do the patterns all throughout the plate. The higher the frequency the more complex the designs become. 

Interestingly enough the same can be done with water. When water vibrates at a high frequency it begins to take shape and form intricate geometric designs. These same geometric designs can be found all throughout nature. 

Nikola Tesla said it best. “If you want to find the secrets of the universe. Think in terms of energy, frequency and vibrations.”  Science has proven everything is energy. Solid matter is but a mere illusion. The chair you’re sitting on may seem pretty sturdy but when you break it down to what it’s actually made of, all the way down to the molecular level, it’s just energy. The same goes for us. Everything is energy, literally everything.

The important thing to remember is we ourselves are made up of energy. But let’s take a look at the physical body. The human body is made up of roughly 60% water. The relationship between sounds and the body is beyond comprehension. The complexity of energy and the amount of information frequencies carry, is something we might never fully understand. Sound, frequencies and vibrations are ancient technologies our ancestors used to heal since the beginning of time.

The logical mind tries to comprehend-what the body & nature already knows.

Some frequencies can actually cause disharmony in the body. Not all frequencies are good for your health. As you may be aware certain frequencies can actually be used in warfare. The unhealthy frequencies cause disharmony and disrupt the natural flow. Tuning into the wrong frequencies for long periods of time can actually be detrimental to your health and life.

A great example of what disharmony and harmony looks like is 432hz and 440hz. On the left side you can see a perfect geometrical pattern. 432Hz is actually more pleasant to listen to and relaxes the body and mind. While 440Hz is a bit more disruptive and throws you off of your natural flow.

Currently music that you hear on the radio is recorded under 440Hz.

Most sound healing instruments are actually tuned to specific frequencies like 432Hz making it one of the most effective ways to move into harmony again.

15 Benefits of a Soundbath

  1. Stress release
  2. Decreased anxiety & depression
  3. Relaxation
  4. Improved memory & concentration
  5. Clarity & balance
  6. Removes blockages & toxins
  7. Cell-regeneration
  8. Sleep improvement
  9. Increased energy
  10. Increased Intuition
  11. Increased creativity
  12. Chakra alignment
  13. Emotional release
  14. Increased motivation
  15. Deep meditative state

When speaking on the benefits of sound healing, we can only mention the surface level benefits, the deeper level benefits take place at a cellular level like a cut healing itself. Sound baths are challenging as well as relaxing. Most people aren’t accustomed to sitting still for an hour. Some of us are so focused on the go go go mentality, we forget to take a moment to relax and just feel.

Soundbath’s allow you to tune into the present moment and listen with the body.

Take A Moment To Make A Moment

Sound baths are a unique and fun way to connect with people alike.

Sound baths can be therapeutic and relaxing but best of all, healing. Hopefully this blog post was able to provide some insights into what a sound bath is all about. With that being said, hope you can make it to our next event.

Soundbath essentials:

– Water

– Money

– Blanket

– A friend

– Yoga Mat

-Comfy clothing

– A clear intention

– Sleeping eye mask


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