
The 12 Universal Laws

(1.) The law of divine oneness

We come from the same source and we are all connected. Your thoughts, emotions and intentions affect everyone and everything around you as collective consciousness. 

(2.) Law of vibration

All that exists moves and vibrates, including your thoughts, emotions and intentions. Everyone and everything around you gives off a vibration. Match the vibrations of the things you desire and tune into the same frequency in order to manifest whatever it is you want.


(3) Law of action

In order to manifest the reality you desire you must take inspirational action. Your intentions and actions must be aligned with the highest good. Allow yourself to be guided by your inner self and take actions when you feel enthusiastic about something and not when you feel forced to.

(4.) The law of correspondence

Your external reality is a direct reflection of your thoughts, emotions and intentions. Limiting beliefs and the ego will prevent you from living the life you want. Change your perspective and take back your true power.  Don’t settle for less. Focus on what you want, not on what you didn’t get. “As above, so below”.

(5.) The law of cause and effect

Every action has a reaction. Nothing is a coincidence. You are in control.

(6.) The law of compensation

Abundance of love, wealth, health and friends will enter your life when you do good for everyone and everything around you. The compensation you receive is a mirror of your inner world. 

(7.) The law of attraction

We are magnets constantly attracting similar energy. People, situations, problems and blessings. We manifest our reality through thoughts. If we have a great day and feel happy-we’ll attract more of this. The movie (The Secret) made this law the most famous of all. But this law cannot operate on its own. There are many more laws to the universe but in the 3rd dimension we can control our reality using all 12 laws. 

(8.) The law of perpetual transmutation of energy

Energy is ever changing. Giving us the power to change our lives. We could use the universal laws and transform our lower energies into higher energies at any given moment. Make the best of every moment, even the bad times. 

(9.) The law of relativity

All of life’s happenings are neutral. Everything is relative but our perception and perspective will compare and contrast life. Every soul has obstacles to overcome, choose to see them as stepping stones and not as stumbling blocks. 

(10.) The law of polarity

Every single thing has an opposite. When you have a negative thought or point of view, change it. Change it to its opposite. After all it might be the best thing that ever happened to you. 

(11.) Law of rhythm

Everything has a cycle. Thoughts, emotions and intentions always circle back. All of life moves and has its own rhythm like a pendulum. Look at this present moment as a new beginning and not an ending. 

(12.) Law of gender

All of creation contains a masculine and femine energy. These energies must be in harmony and balanced to manifest in your reality and to achieve self mastery.


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