
Being Emotionally Vulnerable Is Good

Being emotionally vulnerable is seen as weak! We are afraid to be emotionally vulnerable because we fear the judgement that can come with it. We’re afraid of not living up to the expectation those around place on us. Let’s change the narrative and take back our power. 

In a previous posts ”What Is Ego And How To Control It” we talked about physical and emotional vulnerabilities. Physical vulnerabilities aren’t good. Imagine having a broken leg while a hungry lion approaches you. Obviously that outcome won’t be good. But not all vulnerabilities are bad, especially emotional ones. It allows you to know what part of you needs to be healed and nurtured.

We all come from different backgrounds and all have a different history and it can be hard to understand someone else’s lingo, language, sense of humor, culture and understanding… but we can all relate when it comes to be being emotional vulnerable. Pain and hurt can connect us and through connection we can heal all. When we’re not afraid to be emotionally vulnerable we are one step closer to knowing ourselves. Knowing ourselves at our true essence.

Give others the privilege to express themselves without judgement. Being emotional vulnerable is actually the opposite of being weak. It’s extremely difficult. Never be afraid to share your thoughts and emotions at the end of the day, We are humans.

Become emotionally vulnerable & available

Becoming emotionally vulnerable and exposing our wounds is scary but powerful. We fear someone weaponizing our insecurities, thoughts, emotions and traumas. But choosing to be vulnerable is true power. When was the last time you expressed something deep inside of you with a parents or spouse? When was the last time you revealed your true power?

click here for video
click here for video

I’d like to cover one thing. Cry is perfectly normal and valid. Cry isn’t a sign you’re weak. Sure, there could be a time and place for everything but ultimately you want those tears to roll down your face because It’s healthy. Bottling up hate, anger and emotions literally takes a toll on us.

What if instead of holding back our tears, we let the energy flow? Wouldn’t that be liberating? What if the key to enriching our relationships was being vulnerable. Imagine how much more free you’d feel if you could have a heart to heart conversation with parents / spouse / friends / boss

We often think about that and can think of a million reasons why it’s not a good idea and how it simply won’t work. We might think “Yeah, that would be nice.. too bad it wouldn’t work for me.” Or “I wish it was that easy.”

The truth is … it is easy what’s hard is not getting the reaction or understanding we want and that’s why we avoid “uncomfortable conversations”. Yes, it’s true- being emotionally vulnerable with everyone might not turn out to be how you pictured it but you’ll always gain more from sharing emotions and thoughts than not. We gain courage, courage to express ourselves and say what we really want to say. 

We gain a liberating feeling when we shed light on others and during our darkest moment. When we release emotions and feelings, we remove the weight off of our shoulders. Our chest won’t feel tight and heavy anymore because we stop the war inside.

“We can measure how brave you are by how vulnerable you’re willing to be.”

‘Brené Brown

Start here & Enjoy the ride

Life is all about choices!

Own your life story. Take responsibility for making the adjustments you want to make and put yourself in positions where you exercise that muscle and become more vulnerable, even when you feel fear.

Start dating again

Go back to school

– Look for another job 

– Go take your acting classes 

Write your book 

Open your heart and mind to love again

Start your body building process 

Take photography classes 

Hold a family meeting

Take charge at work 

Book your flight 

Sell your paintings 

Bake your favorite cake and sell it 

Start your diet 

Wear that dress 

Sign up for that audition

Tear down that wall you build around yourself

No matter what it is! Go for it, without expectations only love.

Listen to other if you want to be heard and be the change you want to see in your little world.


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