
teachings of the akashic Records

I’ll explain a bit about the akashic records and what it really is before I dive into the profound experience I had during a guided meditation. 

Here is the guided meditation used.

Akashic records is supposed to be an infinite library.where all information is stored. When I say all, I mean ALL!

Information about a soul’s purpose or a soul’s future or even a soul’s past life. What akashic records is really referring to is the akashic field, which is a field of energy where every scenario exists in the now. Everything that ever was, everything that is and everything that ever will be-exist on this plain of reality. If you can match its frequency- you can tune into a different reality. In doing so one can even heal the physical body. 

The Akashic field is mentioned throughout human history. Maybe you know this field of energy by a different name like ether. Ether is often mentioned in ancient literature or eastern philosophy. Some of you may even follow quantum physics. In modern science we call this very same field the quantum field. 

It’s all referring to the same unlimited source of energy.

Here is what I learned

In my guided meditation something really interesting happened. As I entered my meditative state I began feeling like I was floating. During this process I was told to imagine a library. 

A library that was infinitely long, in this library I could access my past lives and unlock the answer to any question I was looking for. As this floating sensation increased, I teleported into a party. A big fancy bow tie party inside a really big mansion. 

I was looking for something but I didn’t know what. As I was running through the halls as fast as I could run. I seemed frantic. I kept running and finally found what I was looking for. It was a huge wooden door. I stopped and stared at a huge wooden door. I slowly approach the door with shortness of breath and I carefully walk up to the door knob. It felt as if I was afraid to turn the door knob but I took a deep breath and swung the door open. 

To my surprise it led me to an all white hallway. Everything was white, except the other door. Directly in front of me was another huge wooden door with rays of dark purple light coming from behind the door. As I walked towards the next door, the door behind me closed and vanished. 

This was it.. I had found the place I was looking for. 

I opened the door and a layer of purple energy surrounded me. As I walked through this purple energy field, I couldn’t see anything. Everything was pitch black. I looked around and found a small dim lamp sitting on a desk to my left. I couldn’t really tell, but I knew there was someone there. 

I suddenly saw a black shadow and it looked humanoid. He didn’t speak but he did communicate telepathically. He knew the answer to my question before I could even ask the question. This shadow person or book keeper, knew why I was here and allowed me to go look for my soul’s book in this endless library. The figure nodded and gave me the green light to find my book. 

The strange thing was I intuitively knew where to go. So I walked to the 3rd row and on the 4th shelf I found my book. I was excited! I couldn’t believe I was holding the book that held all  the knowledge. 

During this part of the meditation I was not following along exactly as I was being guided. However; i did get stuck on something the guided meditation said. I was told my true name was in the book! It was a leather hard cover book with a navy blue tint to it. 

The guided meditation went on to say feel the letters carved on the side of the page. In it is inscribed your name, your true soul’s name. I couldn’t feel the letters nor the texture at first. But I refused to let this part go! I had to know !!!! So as the guided meditation continued I got stuck and did my own thing. 

I took maybe an extra 20 minutes trying to focus on the side of the page to feel my name. But my intuition told me it was carved somewhere else. My name was on the back of the book. I put so much energy into feeling the texture. I wasn’t going to give up, I began affirming in my head, “what’s my name?”  “What’s my name?”“what’s my name?”. I repeated that over and over and over until I started feeling the letters carved on the back of the book. I could feel the letters.

D.I.E.T.U.S. My soul’s name is Dietus?!

That name meant nothing to me. So I decided to proceed with the meditation and open the book. 

The book was very large. The pages were all fluorescent! It was a blinding bright light. But as I flipped through the book, I asked if I could see my current life. The pages flipped automatically to the middle of the book. On the left I had 4 dark pages. Prior to the 4 pages the rest of the book was bright with light. Those 4 pages represented my past 4 lives. On the right side I was looking at my current life page and it wasn’t dark, it was glowing! It looked alive. I just stared in awe. 

I just sat there and looked at this book! I looked at this glowing page with no writing. Right around this time the meditation was almost done. I was not following along at all. I don’t believe I got the information I was looking for.

But I did get a simple explanation on my current life. As I closed the book, I kept thinking about what the dark pages meant and what the glowing page meant. 

Then it hit me… 

What the book was trying to show me was that prior to those dark pages I was all light. Like in literal terms a being of light. I was a good person, an enlightened being, pure love. For whatever reason I was curious to experience the darkness. During those 4 dark pages I removed myself away from love and decided to live through my ego. “I was bad.” 

But in my current life, I was deciding to be pure light again. I experienced the darkness and knew that wasn’t for me. So in this lifetime I am working my way towards being pure love again. The glow to my current life’s page, taught me I was on the right path but still wasn’t at the “level”  I was at before. Maybe the next 4 pages will glow too but eventually I will get back to being pure light again. Maybe as the book goes on, the same cycle repeat itself. 

It’s as if consciousness needs the bad. You certainly can’t have one without the other. It’s the duality of consciousness. Consciousness is expressed in every corner of the universe in every way possible. Good & Bad. Yin & Yang

Shortly after this epiphany I came back from the meditative state and looked up what dietus meant. I was fascinated by the whole experience. I couldn’t find anything that made sense. But i kept searching, then came across a post in the urban dictionary from 2006. The post read. 


“A state of divinity. Dietus often refers to one who is god-like but not supremely so.”

Which went hand and hand with the epiphany I had. I was well on the way to becoming, once again, what I always have been… Pure light- Pure love- A being of light that illuminates others. 


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