Seven chakras on meditating yogi man silhouette, vector illustration
Although there are more than 7 chakras, we’ll cover the main ones that govern our organs. The word chakra means wheel. These wheels create a vortex like rotation attracting any emotions, thoughts and vibrations. Each chakra also produces its energy. If a chakra is blocked it can show up in many ways, but the most obvious is in the physical.
For example if the throat chakra is blocked you may have trouble expressing yourself and feel a literal knot in your throat when it’s time to say something important. The important action to take is to express yourself in a honest and kind way and allow the energy to flow freely through that chakra up to the next. If energy is stuck the next charka can not flow.
If your chakras are flowing, you’ll see many benefits in mind, body and spirit.
The color is dark red. The root chakra is located at the base of the spine.
This chakra is connected to the many organs. Root chakra affects the kidneys, the large intestine, bladder, adrenal gland and rectum. If the energy is not flowing and is stuck it will show up as physical illness in the major organs.
The root chakra can be unblocked through certain yoga poses, and eating red fruits and vegetables. Here are a few examples on how to know if the energy is flowing or blocked.
This energy center’s color is orange. It’s located Is in the reproductive organs.
This chakra as well as organs affects many other aspects of ones life. This chakra is governed by sexuality, pleasure as well as creativity. The sacral chakra can also be unblocked through eating orange fruits and vegetables and other physical activities like dancing and swimming.
The solar plexus chakra is yellow. This energy center is located in the middle of the abdomen.
This chakra along with the pervious 2 completes the instinctive center in human. When the solar plexus is aligned and energy is flowing, one will feel inner peace and powerful. To unblock this chakra it is recommended to wear the color yellow as well as eat yellow fruits and vegetables.
The color is green. It’s located in the middle of the sternum.
When this chakra is aligned, one will feel peace, love and compassion. The Heart = Life and when this energy center is aligned magic happens. It starts with self love and ends with universal love.
Warm teas & soups, green fruits and veggies rich in vitamin C, help this chakra flow.
The throat chakra is blue. The location is in the throat.
When this chakra is aligned with the highest good, one will be able to communicate and express in an effective manner. Thoughts & emotion will become clear and manifestations will begin to take place.
Consuming blueberries, blackberries, plums, eggplant and grapes, is a great way to activate the chakra.
Indigo is the color. The 3rd eye is located slightly above the eyebrows.
Perhaps the most known chakra of all, the 3rd eye chakra. It is believed this chakra is associated with the pineal gland. This chakra represents intuition or connection with the divine. When this chakra is aligned, we can see reality for what it really is. The illusion of self begins to diminish and disappear.
Just like the throat chakra, blueberries, blackberries, eggplant and grapes- help activate this energy center.
The crown chakra is violet but also known to be white. This chakra is located just above the top of our heads, but outside the body.
In order to activate this chakra one must move the energy serpent known as the kundalini from the base of the spine up through the top of the head. Energy flows in all directions. What the crown chakra represents is the awareness of the other chakras being aligned and the unity of consciousness.
Alignment of the chakras = awareness of divine existences. Once the crown chakra is activated you will be granted the feeling of blissfulness directly from the divine source. There are many different way to align the chakras. Some use yoga poses, breath work, meditation, foods or clothes. One of the best ways to do it, is through water fast.
Just like when it rains and the sun hits the water it causes a rainbow. Water in its purest form contains all colors and helps balance the energy centers.
The chakras represent the phases in life and the fundamental truths that help us grow.
The root chakra represents survival / foundation
The sacral represents sex and pleasure
The solar plexus represents power and self esteem
The heart represents love and openness
The throat represents expression and communication
The 3rd eye represents intuition and perception
The crown represents the divinity and awareness of all of the above.
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