I cringe

 I sigh

I look the other way and ignore what I feel inside.  

This isn’t easy – I’m not going to lie. 

I’ve seen this movie before and it doesn’t end with a happy ending, It always ends with you defending. 

You cry and cry and cry but i don’t know how to help you to at least want to try. 

This is getting painful. 

It’s not easy watching you lie and lie until your smile just fades and dies!

This isn’t good for you!

The real upside is betting more on you and less on any other individual. 

You deserve real love not this delusional masquerade of laughs and gestures. 

Love is simply not there. You might be too naive to realize it but, it’s all about control and power making the whole environment bitter and sour. 

You’ve always tried to convince the world of otherwise but the look in your eyes can’t be denied.

You’ll revert to your old patterns and deny, deny, deny! But your energy simply doesn’t lie. 

 It’s painful to watch and what makes it the most unbearable is the fact you’re so warm and sweet inside. You’re truly worthy of love but yet you don’t believe it. 

You need to heal, not kneel. 

It hurts to watch you accept this narrative. Self love talks are missing again. 

Ask yourself, “where will I draw the line?”

You know and I know how you feel inside.

I just want you to love yourself and heal this time. 

Poem by Dietus


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