
post-ayahuasca ceremony

DISCLAIMER- Once again ayahuasca is not for everybody, especially if you have heart problems, mental health issues or history of schizophrenia in your family. I’ll go into depth in some areas of my journey and it’ll be a bit long, but I’m going to include details I think are necessary. 

Here is what i learned.

The universe goes into motion prior to the ceremonies. Things like death, break-ups, promotions, vacations and even mistakes take place. It’s truly amazing how life begins to shift  just with the simple commitment to trying ayahuasca. 

Ayahuasca is a medicinal drink, originating from the Amazon forest, that has hallucinogenic properties to it. But it’s more than that, much much more. It is a wise life form, with the spirit of the Earth and it manifests into the brew. It is a thick, bitter-sweet, hot brew. 

Ayahuasca is the essence of the planet. It’s the wisdom of loving Mother Earth nurturing you back to health.

1st Ceremony

The shaman known as “Taita’‘ makes a mysterious appearance for the 1st ceremony in his indigenous dress wear.  It is the middle of the night and we all witness him carry a huge jug of this reddish- brownish, coffee looking mixture, up to the altar. 

First he gives us a brief explanation of the medicine, and after he starts praying over the jug of ayahuasca. Taita then sings and chants prayers that sound beautiful, mystical and true to the soul. He opens the ceremony with a brief speech.

“Ayahuasca is not a cure” ; ” You’re the cure” – “Ayahuasca is not miracle” ; “You’re the miracle”

Shortly after, he calls all women who are on their period to the altar and begins a personal ritual that will seal off the women’s womb for the days to come. Next, he calls all first timers to receive their first cup of ayahuasca. Instantly two lines merge into one. It’s a very nerve racking feeling. When it’s your turn, Taita stares deep into your soul, prays over your cup and says “salud,” never breaking eye contact. You drink the confusing tasting mixture and off you go. 

As everyone settles in, you begin to check in with yourself. Am I feeling anything? Am I seeing correctly? In 20 – 40 minutes the purge party begins. You begin to hear violent vomiting all over the place. Some people fight the feeling of purging as if it was a personal choice. 

Purging is where the cleanse happens.

An hour into the first cup Taita begins to play his harmonica that sends powerful healing vibrations throughout the group. The sounds are so peaceful and beautiful you can feel the purging beginning to stop. Air becomes less dense and the journey takes you where you have to go. His timing is perfect just like Mother Ayahuasca. Taita has a God given talent to read the energy in the room and if he feels you need a second cup he will call you up personally. 

In the middle of your journey, you begin to see, understand and heal all of life’s happenings. All while beautiful souls a few feet away from you are playing the amazing, soul rocking music. 

Around the 2-3 hour mark you hear Taita’s trademark motto being called out “SECOND CUUUUUUUUUUPPPP” which marks the midway point for the ceremony. For a first timer a second cup is complete insanity. But yet, you begin to form a line.

Thirty minutes later, just like clock work, you begin to hear purging and people screaming from the bottom of their soul! Primal screams of pain and agony. Hurt, fear, anxiety, darkness and sorrow lingers in the air for a moment. Taita walks around with his harmonica and begins to move the energy in the room. There is also beautiful music being played in the background. 

Something magical begins to happen. Just like a tidal wave of energy. Healing begins to happen. In that moment, collective consciousness becomes apparent and healing begins to take place. You can feel every person around you vibrating at a higher frequency. It’s truly magical and exciting. As the night concludes you feel lighter and with a full heart. 

Ayahuasca Heals

Ayahuasca Loves

Ayahuasca Calls


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