Categories: Introspection


Maybe this blog post is for you. Maybe it’s for someone you know going through a rough patch right now.

  If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed you may feel mentally exhausted. Mental exhaustion can take a toll on your physical health and actually lower your immune system. Which is why it’s important to cover some bases and supplement vitamins. Proper hydration is just as important. 

I know what you’re thinking, this is going to be a blog post about how to cope with the everyday stresses of life but that’s not what i’m going for with this blog. Everyone in theory already knows what to do. 

Most people have heard a podcast, watched a youtube video or even read a book about some healthy coping mechanisms like working out, meditating, yoga, going for a walk and some may even use alcohol, weed or friends as a coping mechanism. They are simply tools to help you “cope” with stress. Hopefully you have the awareness to choose a healthy coping mechanism over a self destructing one. With that being said, let’s get down to the main part of this blog post.

Life’s Element

It’s almost been a whole year since my last post. I was looking for inspiration to write about something I was truly passionate about, but it just wasn’t there. Until today. 

Some of you may live a fast paced life and know how demanding it is. It’s basically like being in a constant state of hyper alertness. 

Staying hyper focused or hyper alert can quickly become overwhelming. Yes, you want to hit every marker perfectly. Yes, you are capable of executing your goals. 100% you can be better and improve and Yes, you promised yourself a new standard of life. These are all true. Simultaneously you might be tired. You may be feeling depleted or anxious or insecure about future outcomes. At times even sad. These are all very valid and real emotions!!!

 That’s okay, because you’re human. You’re an imperfect being trying to do good for yourself and better your quality of life.

Yet some things may simply not go your way. You’ll clash with people you love. At times you’ll fail when you tried your very best. You might lose a loved one at the worst time possible or vice versa when things are finally going your way. It’s extremely easy to get lost in these emotions that arise from scenarios like this. But it’s truly important to realize nature intended for this to happen. It can be a hard pill to swallow but you must remember you’re not the center of the universe. Life happens for you, not to you.

You are a part of the whole. 

We are a tiny fragment of dirt that exists simultaneously within an infinite universe. Something much greater, much more calculated and wiser than you, knows exactly what chess piece to move and when. Why feel overwhelmed when things aren’t going your way? Ponder with the idea that things are supposed to play out this way. But really ponder on this. You might ask yourself a much more harsh question like what about little kids suffering through a war, they know nothing about? What about the innocent people dying?  What makes humans human is the ability to reason and express their emotions and awareness of being conscious.

Humans can sink deep into ego and become savages. Savages without awareness are capable of the worst crimes against humanity. It’s obvious some people lack awareness of the impact actions have on everyone around them. Not just at this very moment but for generations to come. Not to mention karmic lives if this is something you believe in. 

But now zoom out and think of this in the grand scheme of things. If you’re a soul that came to earth to experience the human experience to grow. What is more painful than reviewing your journey at the end and seeing the damage you’ve done.

 Now, Imagine the opposite. 

What is more rewarding than watching the character you cultivated be kind and patient. Made people smile and made the world a better place. This too will leave an everlasting impact for generations to come. People are always watching you and learning. See, energy is infinite and doesn’t lie. Everyone around you is receptive and you are a source of this infinite energy. Be aware of the type of energy you’re paying forward.  

Small actions add up to big consequences when compounded with time.

Everything will be okay

It seems as if we have free will and the liberty to respond or react to the moment in front of us but simultaneously feel like there’s a blueprint laid out for us. 

Let life happen. Let go of worry, surrender to the flow of life. You’re a small piece of the puzzle and the universe will give you what you need when the time is right. Do your due diligence and be a good human. Doing this will not only alleviate feeling overwhelmed but it also will act as a preventative measure to feeling stress. 

Why shoulder the weight of tomorrow when all you can really do is your best today. Why rely on coping mechanisms and not just have faith everything will be okay?

After all this existence, this world, this universe is much, much bigger than you. Sometimes the pendulum swings your way and sometimes in the favor of others. That’s exactly how it was designed to be. Show faith through the words you speak, Embody the wisdom you seek and live like you’re born to be free.  

Don’t question when the higher power moves chess pieces around. Trust that the higher power will deliver when the time is right. Until then be prepared to receive your blessings. Let the higher power carry the baggage of worry that looms in your head. Allow yourself to indulge in the human experience and embrace everything with an open heart. After all, it’s why we’re here. 

You’re safe


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