Let’s explore the theories and the wonders of this small pinecone shaped gland.
The pineal gland is located in the center of the brain. It goes by many names you might be familiar with “The epicenter of enlightenment,” “The seat of the soul,” “The 3rd eye chakra” or “Ajna Chakra”
It was believed long before the first civilization, the 3rd eye was an actual physical eye and through natural selection the evolution of that eye became the pineal gland.
The true function of this gland is to receive information about Light/Dark environment cycles like an actual eye. it is also made up from the same materials as a regular eye. But this eye now produces melatonin and a very powerful chemical N,N-dimethyltryptamine AKA DMT.
It’s a compound found all around us throughout the whole ecosystem. It is believed the pineal gland releases DMT while we sleep causing dreams to occur. Our ancestors were very familiar with this chemical and it was often ingested in ceremonies or during rituals. The healing and transformative properties that can result from a DMT trip is known to have profound effects in your psyche. It has been described as having an intervention with the divine.
It should be no surprises that at the time of death, the pineal gland produces so much of this powerful chemical, it actually floods your brain with it. DMT is a gateway to higher consciousness.
The pineal gland is not a new discovery, it was known in most ancient civilizations. You can read text on the earliest civilizations and see the pineal gland symbolism throughout human history. Paintings, carvings and statues depict a pinecone or gods with a 3rd eye. This is true for Taoism, Buddhism and Hinduism and also discovered in Aztec, Inca, Toltec and Mayan Culture.
One of the oldest civilizations known to man was located in the historical region of southern Mesopotamia (south-central Iraq). They had knowledge of this gland. The reason it’s known as the (pine–al gland) in modern times is due to the fact the gland strongly resembles a pinecone. That is where the name comes from. But our ancestors knew about this gland long before we did. How long ago? Around 4000 BCE to be exact. The Sumerian art work depict pinecones which is allegedly a symbol representing the pineal gland.
They are not the only ones to depict such a thing.
Let’s explore ancient Egyptian art. Egyptians gifted us one of the most iconic symbols still known today. The eye of Horus which was believed to be a symbol to bring forth protection, rejuvenation and health. As we closely examine the eye of Horus, we can see a resemblance of the pineal gland in our brain.
As you can see the eye of Horus seems to be a perfect outline of the brain. This could be coincidence or maybe proof they where much more advanced than we are now.
Regardless of what you believe, it’s all quiet interesting. Throughout different ancient religions and civilizations, symbols appear to be everywhere.
Symbols representing the 3rd eye which are apart of modern day culture.
We are all familiar with the bindi. The bindi is traditionally worn between the eyes because it represents the exact location of the Ajna chakra. Anja means “wisdom”. This energy center can be activated through meditation.
As we can see, this knowledge has been a part of many cultures for a very long time. It is believed that when you unlock your Pineal Gland /Ajna chakra through meditation, you may connect to pure consciousness and have all your questions answered.
It is also a way to tap into the natural DMT the pineal gland produces. Imagine an overwhelming feeling of love and ecstasy you feel through out your body, so powerful it radiates outward, becoming contagious with everyone you come in contact with. Imagine knowing all the answers to your question!
We all have pineal glands and it is kind of interesting most people are still wandering aimlessly through life, not questioning the system. Well, many believe the goal is to keep people ignorant, to be easily manipulated and controlled.
Smart minds are dangerous.
It might surprise you to find out that the powers and benefits the pineal gland offers aren’t available to everyone, because most people’s pineal glands are completely calcified. How is that possible you may ask?
Sodium Fluoride
Sodium fluoride is found in our water supply, toothpaste and even food. It was initially put in place by the government because it was believed the sodium fluoride made our teeth strong and stopped the formation of cavities. In recent years more and more research is discrediting that.
Jennifer Luke was a British scientist who carried out the first study in 1997 of Sodium Fluroide on the pineal gland. In her study she discovered the pineal gland acts as a magnet when sodium fluoride enters the system, which calcifies the gland.
Calcification of this gland means you’ll no longer have the ability to tap into this powerful organ.
Hitler introduced the idea of putting fluoride in water supply of the concentration camps to make the victims more submissive.
1 gram of fluoride is enough to kill a baby, yet that’s around the same dose that can be found in your toothpaste tube. In 2014, Harvard conducted a study with China Medical University and concluded fluoride lowers children’s I.Q. level by 7 points. Imagine a lifetime of using fluoride? Many studies have been conducted on the effects of fluoride and the side effects are endless.
Activated Charcoal
Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
Once you’ve started your detoxification, you can then begin to awaken your 3rd eye through meditation. Please share this knowledge or blog post with people around you.
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