Letter To Myself -Lizz 

Dear Present Self ,

I want to start off by saying thank you. Thank you for being a dreamer, for being a hopeless romantic, and for always keeping your curiosity alive. You should always stay close to your inner child.

I know your life looks nothing like you had planned out. But that’s okay, because life shouldn’t look anything like you had planned out. You made a list, a perfect life plan, but in that moment you were a different person and that’s what you wanted- in that moment. Moments change, and we change as well.. It is impossible to remain the same person every day of your life. We change by nature, it’s in our DNA. Our age changes, the way we look changes, our voice changes- everything changes. So go with the flow, do not resist change- embrace it.

It’s okay if this new version of yourself makes you feel uncertain. I know you have your fears, and I know you know where those fears really come from. A lot of your past has a lot to do with these fears. Your past mistakes, your past experiences, your past lessons… but you have to fully let go of the past and instead enjoy the present moment. If you feel bad about something you did in the past, then do not do it in the future! Do not repeat actions that you know will lead to something you don’t want to be led into. The present moment has a lot more to offer you than the past. You cannot change the past.

Don’t be afraid to experience new adventures. Do something you love every day! Take more risks, be more fearless! You are capable of anything that you set your mind to! You are brilliant, and this world wouldn’t be the same without you. You are the universe, you are the ocean, you are the stars, the moon, and the sky. You are a queen, you are light, you are beautiful! You are worthy of all the abundance in the world! Create yourself, and re-create yourself. Create your life, you have the power to do so. 

Love passionately, love as much as you can and do not hold back. But most importantly, remember to love yourself first. 

Your Future lizz


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