We’re all familiar with quotes like this.
-Why would you do that?
-I don’t think that’s a good idea!
-You should really think about it!
-Why don’t you just do this instead?
-Are you sure?
-What if…..?
-Where did you get that idea from?
-Look at ___ ?
-Don’t you think it would be better if?
If you have an idea, feeling or insight about something, act on it! Unfortunately some of those closest to us will bring us down, projecting their own fears onto us. If you have a goal, dream or vision of what path to take, don’t look for validation from others. They won’t give it to you.
It’s tough to think, those we love the most can hold us back. It can be your siblings, spouse, parents or friends. Let’s pretend you’re excited about traveling on your own. You mention this to your best friend and he/she responds with, “Do you know how dangerous that is!”
You have to change your inner circle. The media already does a good enough job of putting fear into the world.You don’t need anyone close to you making you second guess your decisions. What hurts most about removing people that make comments like this from your life, is that they love you.

Develop the courage to follow your instincts and follow your heart. Believe in your ideas and act on them. The emotions that come up or insights you receive are gifts.These gifts are meant to be acted on, once you act on these feelings or ideas you will develop the skill and muscle memory to trust your own opinion. Do as you see best fit for you, not as others tell you to.
Don’t wait for the support or applause to take action on your dreams, goals or insights. Mastering your self confidence, instead of seeking outside validation will provide you a greater sense of aliveness and triumph. It’s your dream! Not theirs! If you feel a burning desire to do something and don’t know to even begin. Just wing it!
The universe is on your side. You are safe and you will be alright.
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