Dear Inner Child 

I want to start off by saying I love you and I’m truly sorry. I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart, you blamed yourself for everything that was wrong with the world. 

You didn’t deserve that. You didn’t deserve to feel you were the main ingredient in a toxic marriage. You felt as if you were the root for suffering in your parent’s marriage.

 I’m sorry you were in the middle of all the arguments. I’m sorry you felt the world on your shoulders. I’m sorry you learned to hate rather than love.

 I’m sorry happiness wasn’t an option. I’m sorry days felt so grey and gloomy. I’m sorry darkness was consuming your little white spirit. 

I wish you felt you were able to feel your age and simply have fun. I’m sorry you felt neglected. I’m sorry you felt forced to be someone else and I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. I’m sorry you felt you weren’t enough.

But… I want you to know that we won! We won and we can finally just have fun. We have fought this dark battle, for far too long, We’ve worked so hard to get to this moment! It’s time to heal! I’m going to take over from now on. 

We know to be happy and loving. We understand the true value of loving unconditionally but putting ourselves first. We know to love ourselves like never before and enjoy the small things life has to offer. Now we see the big picture! Our perspective has changed and we realize that life is truly amazing and beautiful.  Life may have seemed unfair and one sided but I promise once you keep moving forward, you begin to see the real fruits of life. 

We had a hard time growing up and loving our true essence. It was hard to smile sometimes and other times it was hard to be grateful. But that’s all a part of the past, now we’re together and together we are unstoppable. We were whole all along, all we needed was each other. 

Thank you for being so strong! Thank you for fighting through the hard times. Thank you for allowing me to heal. I couldn’t have done it without you inner child. Thank you for being you! 

Thank you for never giving up and believing there was light at the end of the tunnel.

Thank you for everything. I love you and truly admire your bravery.  I’ve become a better leader because of you! I am stronger, I am better, I am happy. I promise to make up for all the bad times.

 I’ll always remember what you taught me;

Be Amazing-Be Inspirational-Be You

Love, Inner Child from the otherside 

We often forget how much those around learn from our behaviors, especially kids. We forget the impact we have on our children and we forget how deep words and actions cut. 

It doesn’t matter I f you are 5, 15, 25 or 85 years old, you can heal your inner child and evolve with grace. Writing your thoughts and emotions on paper is the perfect way to begin to heal.  Depression, anxiety and trauma cannot outshine your beautiful white spirit! Shine Bright and take back your power. 

“We feel Nearly 800,000 people die by suicide in the world each year, which is roughly one death every 40 seconds. Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in the world for those aged 15-24 years. Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide.”

You can’t teach what you don’t know. They did the best they could. Don’t relive the same story. Start by healing your inner child.


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