From 0-7 years of age, the brain is operating at a lower frequency known as Theta. Theta is a lower brain wave pattern that measures 4-8hz(hertz). Theta brain waves can be seen in adults during deep states of meditation, creative thought process, daydreaming, dreams, deep relaxation and hypnosis. Once again from the ages of 0-7 years old our brains operate from a state of hypnosis. We absorb everything like a sponge. We absorb everything from love to ideologies, tribalism and culture.

Personality creates your personal reality – Dr. Joe Dispenza

It’s important to become aware of the programming we absorbed as children. Have you ever stopped to think where certain habits like smoking or drinking started? This of course is just an example. Ask the hard questions and really dig deep. You’ll begin shedding some light on hardwired thought patterns and limiting beliefs. It is estimated that we think 70,000 thoughts a day. Here’s a fun fact: 90% of those thoughts are recycled from the previous day. How much of what you’re thinking is truly you?  How much of that is positive? 

The same thoughts lead to the same actions, the same actions lead to the same behaviors, the same behaviors become your reality, that reality leads to the same emotions and emotions create the same thoughts.


 How can we overcome this vicious cycle? The answer is with awareness of our thoughts and small steps to change them. It all starts with thoughts & action. Affirmations help unlearn and relearn new thought patterns. The words “I Am” carry real power.

If we say “I am stupid,” that becomes 1 of 70,000 thoughts you think daily and can create a negative snowball effect. Remember 90% of your thoughts are recycled from the day before. Imagine repeating “I am brilliant” daily. The impact it would have would be amazing. Create a positive snowball effect instead of negative ones.

Begin to take inventory of the type of thoughts that come around daily. Thoughts like “I can’t do this” or “I can’t afford that”. Start writing down positive affirmations on a piece of paper to combat the negative hardwired thoughts. When writing down affirmations don’t be afraid to get specific.

For example:

“I AM thankful I made $172,397.69 this year.”

“I AM now thankful I just closed escrow on my 1st home.“

“I AM now #1 in the sales.” 

“I AM now at peace w/ my life”

Try this for approximately 21 days.

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