
How To Get Promoted

9 simple ways to fast track a promotion

Be A Leader 

Do not be afraid to get your hands dirty and lead by example. Show what is expected of your team by doing the work. Help others out and work in teams. Make those around you better. Take charge any chance you get and delegate the work. Remember to hold yourself accountable. Stick to the process and don’t cut corners! Communicate every step of the way and be transparent. Check in on others and ask if they need anything.  

Be Proactive 

If there is downtime make sure you’re not just sitting down waiting for someone to give you instructions.  Take initiative and catch up in other areas. Use the time to organize paperwork or double check your work. When you’re being proactive make sure to make it a habit to stay busy. Especially when your bosses are around. Get ahead on any work that’s pending every opportunity you get. 

Look The Part 

Clean up. Smell good, and be presentable. Managing a work space and people is important but so is self image. It all ties in together. Remember you’re also representing the company or person promoting you, make them feel good about their choice to promote you. Stand out from the rest not by wearing the more expensive clothes, But by keeping yourself up. 

Show Pride In Your Work

Take pride in your efforts and hard work. While others are slacking off gossiping, you’re becoming aware of the opportunity to separate yourself from your peers. Stay focused on your goal and remain positive. Put the work in and remember its Quality of work that matters! Make it a habit to Double Check your work. Outwork the rest

Be Professional  

Always do the right thing. Set the bar high. Don’t sink down to other people’s level and follow whatever system is in place if there is one. If not, suggest one. Professionals don’t allow external issues to disrupt the quality of their work. Leave the problems at home! Don’t bring garbage to the workplace. Stay Cool, Calm and collected. Keep a professional relationship with your peers and skip out on the night of drinking! 


Problem Solve

If you want a promotion, you have to be ready to problem solve. There is no such thing as ducking a difficult issuse, if you want to be paid more. The Bigger the problems you can solve, the bigger the checks! 


Conduct yourself with confidence! This is fundamental in life and business. If on a day to day basis you don’t conduct yourself with confidence, how can anyone else have confidence in your abilities or skill? Confidence equals trust and trust translates to more opportunities. Ask yourself, Would you promote yourself? Own your space! Shift your mindset and walk in like you belong there. 


 Networking is huge! Your network is your net worth! This applies to personal and business life. You usually earn around $1,000 – $3,000 difference from the 5 people you hang out with. Let that sink in for a second. Begin to build relationships with the people in power! Crack jokes, constantly ask questions, ask for constructive criticism and take interest when you’re trying to network with the right people. Be intentional, Keep in mind who you have to impress and be persistent. 

Be Prepared 

Stay ready for whatever can happen. Learn all you can learn about the position, client or company. Do your homework and focus on your strengths! Adapt new habits and set yourself up for success. If you work in sales for example and suck at closing deals, buy a book on how to close deals. The work you put in behind the scenes is what you get rewarded for. 

Tip : Keep a notebook with you and write down reminders, thoughts, projects, quotes or even contact information and refer to the notebook when you are feeling lost.  


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