HEALTH forever will be attached to negligence.
66% percent of adults in the United States are on prescription medication.
I’m sure you’ll be surprised to find out that doctors are only obligated to take a 12 – 20 hour course on nutrition. The big problem is in the 21 century we have doctors “prescribing medicines” to basically get a huge commision bonus. Big pharmaceutical companies will offer luxuries and money to hospitals if they push quantity.
Research shows the United States alone is responsible for about ⅓ of the world’s consumption for medication. In 2019 it is estimated the United States spent around 500 billion dollars on medicine.
A different study shows that doctors on average will only discuss nutrition for about 12 seconds during your doctor’s visit.
See we are told how to treat the illness but never how to fix the underlying issue. Doctors will prescribe us 10 things before they tell you maybe you should stop smoking.
If the doctors, people we should trust when it comes to health, are only prescribing for a check, then who do we turn to for the right information? It’s our responsibility to come up with our own conclusion of what is healthy and what is not. Biodiversity is real and all of our bodies react differently.
It might shock you to read that the world’s biggest killers like Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes and cancer, can all be prevented! In some cases even reversed just by eating properly nutritious whole foods. There is research showing data on plant based diets and how it can reverse heart disease.
If were not educated on proper nutrition, we should educate ourselves!
We don’t have to get old and die of any of these things. We can live well into our late 90’s in good health without Arthritis or Alzheimer’s.
There is this misconception that our bones just naturally start aching from 30 – 40 years old and from 50-70 it’s normal we have some type of high blood pressure or disease, we can treat and until the end of time. But it doesn’t have to be this way! And we can’t blame genetics either!
Scientific studies on identical twins have been done. These illnesses aren’t entirely genetic, during this study they used identical DNA strands from twins. To prove that if one ate healthy and the other twin didn’t, one would have complications and shorter lifespan versus the other twin, minimal health complications.
Life is all about decisions that align with the greater good.
It’s very important we do our own research outside of big government institutions. Big Pharmaceutical Companies cherry pick scientific studies and distort the data to benefit they’re product. We are constantly steered in the wrong direction, when it comes to health. Most of us have no idea how to handle our daily eating habits or have no one to turn to for advice.
If we turn to doctors for advised we’ll be given a prescription of pills for something that can probably be fixed with proper hydration.
Yes, not all water hydrates you.
Purified water is actually not the right kind of water to drink. See; if water is purified that means it’s regular tap water that has been boiled at really high temperatures mixed in with fluoride and chlorine to kill any bad bacteria but in the process it will destroy minerals and electrolytes. So the moment you drink bottled water that water actually absorbs all the minerals in your body which eventually you will pee out.
Don’t confuse thirst for hydration. Which brings us to the next topic: dehydration.
The term dehydrated is never elaborated on. What the doctors really mean by that is that we are not hydrated at a cellular level. Meaning water never penetrates the cell walls and therefore your body is functioning on no water! Let me remind you, that we are made up of 60% water.
The brain sends us signals of when we are severely dehydrated. The way it shows us is by thirst, dry skin, chapped lips, headaches, low energy levels, bad digestive health and immune system health. But the brain does this after almost a month of being severely dehydrated at a cellular level.
What would happen if you stopped watering your plants?
Now Imagine what you’re doing to your organs and your brain when you don’t properly hydrate.
Would you water the dying plants with soda & coffee & energy drinks?
Probably not, we know how to nurse plants, but not our precious innocent bodies?
Tip: Drink alkaline water for proper hydration and drink half your body weight in ounces.
For example : if you weigh 200lbs or 90.7kg to properly hydrate at a cellular level we should be drinking 100oz of water or 45.3kg daily.
It’s truly disturbing we can’t turn to professionals like the American Heart Association, for suggestions or guidance.
Omega 3 fish oil helps prevent heart disease, right?
Turns out to be one of the worst things you can possibly take, if you’ve suffered a heart attack or are trying to prevent one. The answer – to that prevention of another heart attack isn’t more oil & fat to clog up your arteries. But that’s what the American Heart Association has been telling us. Omega fish oil has boomed into a multimillion dollar business.
But once again it’s our job to take control of our own health.
Just be aware that big pharmaceutical companies spend 1/10th on illness prevention and 9/10th on managing it.
Knowledge is power and you are in the driver seat!
1 blog post cannot justify how complex our bodies are nor can it explain how everything works at a subatomic level. Most of us treat our bodies like crap, some of us run on caffeine others on prescription pills and most of us don’t pay any mind to eating fast food all the time.
We think we have control of our health, until we dont!
Then we have the audacity to ask “why is this happening to me?!”
Our time on this earth is very limited but those who DECIDE to be healthy in every sense of the word know it’s not an easy accomplishment but it is a simple one.
Healthy Habits = Good Life.
Being healthy doesn’t only mean physically but also emotionally and mentally—the holy trinity. No need for antidepressant pills, when you take full control of physical, mental and emotional health.
(Emotional Health) – Express yourself – talk about what bothers you instead of holding it in.
(Physical Health) – Move some energy- Go for a Walk instead of watching one more episode.
(Mental Health) – Reprogram the mind- Be aware of your thought patterns and Redirect your thought process to more positive thoughts.
We’ve been so brainwashed that when we think of health, we think of abs. Most of us are born healthy. That means we are meant to be healthy. we weren’t born ill. We are health in its purest form since birth. Even if you were born with some defect, there are ways to aid the body and medicine isn’t always one of them.
We’re so disconnected from our roots, we forget—what we’re made of and forget a lot of diseases and illnesses that not only can be avoided but also reversed.
Keep your body tuned up—-just like you keep your vehicle maintained.
If your mind, body and spirit is not at ease, you are in “DIS-EASE”. When you take control of what you Eat, Hear & See, You are healthy in every sense of the word. (Let that sink in)
Smile often
Love without limit
Choose Health
“Health is like MONEY. We never have a true idea of value until we LOSE IT.”
– Josh Billings
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