
Gratitude can change everything




-The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Life can seem overwhelming when we forget the most important thing. That thing is gratitude. We allow ourselves to become distracted with nonsense, but the fact  is that we are blessed. A day in our “complicated life” is someone else’s dream. 

Think about how blessed you are, really stop reading and think about what you have to be grateful for today. Right now what do you have to be grateful for? If you can’t think of anything, then you’re in the right place.

10 things you can be grateful for today











These 10 things are essential for all living creatures, yet are overlooked most of the time. There is so much external noise we forget how blessed we really are. If you can walk, breathe, work, smile, eat; you’re blessed.

 We should make it a daily habit and start the day off with gratitude. When you start the day on a positive note you’ve won the battle of the day! If only we could hear ourselves more often, the amount of negativity we speak with is ridiculous.

 The smallest of things can ruin our day. Spilling something on our shirt sucks, but not as much as having to walk 5 miles/8km for water. Remember it can always be worse. 

Stop focusing on what’s missing and be grateful for what you do have.

The Benefits Of Gratitude

There are many benefits from practicing gratitude, from health to new life opportunities. Many studies have shown the profound effects of gratitude. 

Increased levels of energy. Better sleep patterns, decreased depression, reduced blood pressure and overall longer lives. 

Gratitude actually reprograms our brains to see the positive instead of the negative. The longer you genuinely practice gratitude the “feel good and mood stabilizer” chemicals in the brain like dopamine and serotonin, begin to be released. The prefrontal cortex, the logical part of the brain begins to recognize this and looks for things to be grateful for. 

But this is seen as cliche in our culture. We are prescribed to take an antidepressant pill that will force the neurotransmitters to fire off dopamine and serotonin which will exhaust the mind of any real genuine happiness. 

Why take an antidepressant pill when you can just go for a walk, get some sunlight, practice gratitude and reap all the benefits in a healthier way. 

In addition to all this, gratitude increases self esteem and can make us more social. Gratitude will cause you to naturally want to help others and that alone makes you feel good about yourself.  

Gratitude will lead to you becoming a kinder person, that’ll appreciate the small things in life. That becomes your karma and karma is a mirror of yourself. Practice gratitude because you genuinely want to be grateful and not because you want any of the benefits.

Attracting What You Want With Gratitude

Gratitude = Happiness 

We spoke about the energy field we live in, in an earlier post 

“What is energy vibration and frequency?.”

If we want to manifest anything we must be grateful first. Gratitude is a frequency we can all tune into right now.  

When we are grateful for something it’s because we already have it. So instead of wanting wealth, health or the perfect relationship, be grateful in advance. Pretend you already have all things you want and be grateful.  

If your neighbor said “can you watch my kids for a bit” and then just picked them up without saying thank you, would you watch the kids again? Probably not right?

Same concept for us. You can’t expect to keep receiving blessings if you’re not grateful for what you already have. You will not be given anything you can’t handle. If you already can’t handle what you have, why would anyone give you more? 

Tune into the frequency of gratitude and be grateful because it feels good and not because you want to attract anything. 

The seed has been planted, it’s your job to water the seed and with patience you’ll reap the fruits. Change with attitude of gratitude.

Thank You 

Thank You 

Thank You


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