Thank Yourself
Take a look at how far you’ve come! Take a moment out of your busy schedule to thank yourself for being so strong and awesome. Life has been hard enough up until this point, don’t beat yourself up more. Remember the victories. Be patient, it’s a marathon not a race.
Praise Yourself Often
This doesn’t mean brag to the world. write down in a journal anything you love about yourself or things you are proud of for accomplishing. You can write about your eyes, hair, work-ethic, or how responsible you are. Don’t wait for others to praise you.
Stop Criticizing Others!
Huge emphasis on criticizing others! STOP CRITICIZING! How many of us are constantly criticizing those around us? When we criticize others, we are projecting our own insecurities. In other words, what we criticize in others is what we don’t like about ourselves.
If we can learn to look at others and praise instead of criticize, we’ll begin to praise ourselves. It’s time to realize we are not above anybody. We are literally all made out of meat and bones. Criticizing others can be an addictive and compulsive behavior.
There is a very simple exercise we can do to stop our compulsive ways. The moment we realize we have thought of criticism, we must stop and redirect our thoughts. When a judgemental thought comes into our mind, let’s stop and think about something positive instead. Making this an everyday practice, will make it easier to not criticize others and ourselves.
Meditation is believed to go back as far as 3,500 B.C.E. If it’s been around this long, there’s a reason why. Meditation doesn’t mean sitting down with legs crossed; you can do it while walking, laying down with your eyes closed or while cleaning your house.
Meditation is an amazing tool available at no cost. It allows you to feel powerful and confident. You get a sense of safety and security after a deep meditation.
“The thing about meditation is; you become more and more you”
– David Lynch
If you want to feel more secure about yourself, work out.. that simple.
Working out decreases the body’s stress hormones and releases endorphins, this hormone triggers a positive feeling in the body- natural mood elevators. Create healthy habits, for a healthy mindset; Our body reflect our lifestyle.
There is no better feeling than finishing a work out.
Feed Your Mind
Pay attention to what you feed your mind! Pretend you have a giant blender and you’re about to make a smoothie, in this blender you are going to put all the stuff you feed our mind inside. Music you listen to, books you’ve read, TV shows you’ve watched, people you idolize, conversations you’ve had …etc. What do you think that smoothie would taste like? would it be plain, nasty or good? Would it be healthy or unhealthy.
Our life reflects what we feed our mind. Surround yourself with empowering and positive things.
Dress To Impress
Wear your favorite clothing and feel great! You don’t have wait for a special occasions to dress great. Do it today, after all we don’t know what tomorrow holds for us.
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