decision making

We often find ourselves at a crossroad where a decision has to be made. Sometimes we make decisions that we later regret. So the question is, how can we become better at decisions making? 

The short answer is, there is no right decision, we simply have to make a choice that makes sense at that moment and live with the consequences – good or bad. 

Let’s assume we made a “terrible” decision by dropping out of college. What decisions can we make to feel Better about our actions.

1. lets, not consider ourselves a failure.

2. We must go with the flow and see what new path we want to take.

3. Emphasize on a skill set we already have, capitalize on it and treat it the same way we would our final exams.

4. Enjoy the process.

5. Remember it’s all going to be okay.

Half the battle is accepting our decisions, owning it and going with the flow.

We have to remove ourselves from any negative influences like social media, toxic friends, toxic family members or any environment that won’t empower us. Remember everyone can tell us how to do it, but they never did it! 

Trust yourself with your decision making by forgiving yourself for your decision making. We can create a set of rituals that can help us stay levelheaded when presented with options. For example, breathing techniques, research , meditation, using any resource we have—but most important of all stay ready we have to be ready for whatever obstacle is thrown our way. Trust your ability to make the right decisions and enjoy every moment no matter what.

All decision-making is a values – clarifying exercise.

-Anthony Robbins

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