
Don’t sell your soul

I was 13 when I tried selling my soul to the devil. At the time I suffered from depression and…

3 years ago

I’ve been feeling….

...I’ve been feeling sad, confused and worried lately. These are emotions I've been familiar with since I was 5 years…

3 years ago

5 Simple Ways To Evolve as a Soul

SUPPORT We all crave love in some way shape or form. The most powerful way to show someone love is…

3 years ago

Female Power

Female Power by Lizz For a long time I hated being a girl. I constantly thought my life would be…

3 years ago

5 Signs It’s Time For Change

 Feeling Powerless - If you feel powerless, that's a sign you must change. Feeling powerless is awful! You must make…

3 years ago

15 Necessary Things For A Healthy Relationships

Date Nights - Date Nights are huge for obvious reasons. Most relationships lose the spark because they lose the habit…

3 years ago

What is self-love good for?

Before we start, what is self-love?  If you type this in on your google search bar, you’ll get many blog…

3 years ago

my Near death Experience on magic mushrooms

Before we start, I want to say sorry about last week's blog post. I saw the people that tuned in…

3 years ago

jr’s Mind

A Personal Blog As i write this i'm drinking this great tasting wine called “Educated Guess” and smoking a cigar,…

3 years ago


HEALTH forever will be attached to negligence.  66% percent of adults in the United States are on prescription medication. I'm…

3 years ago