
Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows

The illusion of our daily reality stems directly from thought. Most of our thoughts are recycled from the day before. We attract everything that happens to us through our thoughts! Thoughts vibrate at a certain frequency and if your thoughts are negative, chances are that you will attract negative experiences throughout the day.

This is why it is so important to be aware of what you consume on a daily basis. Let’s assume you like to start you day off by turning on the tv and throwing on the news, maybe you just want to hear about the weather. But as you stay tuned in. It’s the news anchors job to capture your attention with a wild and captivating breaking news! So you stay and listen and start your day with a tragic story. This tragic story will stay with you for the rest of the day. You might not realize it but after maybe 2 weeks of watching tragic story after tragic story, you’re starting to feel afraid of certain things and maybe defensive rightfully so.

There is an old saying “You are what you eat,” and the same applies to what we consume with our eyes. Become aware of the energies that surround you and be aware of the people, places or things that lower your frequency. To change ones thought patters is to change ones entire life.

Become the person you want surrounding you.


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