My Experience under Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a really good and helpful way to reach the subconscious mind. In this story i’ll explain my visions during my past life regression hypnotherapy class. This was the 1st time I had tried hypnosis as well as the 1st time I had heard of past life regressions. 

We began to be instructed to breathe in and out and close our eyes. I knew I had to go into a meditative state. I did my own breathing exercise, which consisted of breathing deep breaths, and exhaling quickly in short bursts. After about 3 minutes of this rapid breathing technique I became tingly. That’s a sign I’ve increased my oxygen levels in my body. 

As the tingly sensation in my body increased, I began regulating my breath back to normal. I could hear the hypnotherapist counting down in the background. At the end of 3..2..1.. (BOOM!)

We were put under and I began seeing lights and different colors, like when you squeeze your eyes shut. But- as the therapist started guiding us through the process those lights and colors quickly became stars and galaxies.

I realized I wasn’t human in my vision. I was energy, like a light particle flying through space at the speed of light. It seemed like I was witnessing the beginning of time. I could feel no sensation at this point. I could only see these magical alignment of stars that looked like an infinite forest of white Christmas string lights hanging. 

I, as this energy particle, flew through this intricate display of star light. I could feel the formation of something, perhaps a galaxy or milky way.

At this point we were only about 4 minutes into the session. 

I saw maybe another minute or two of flying through the cosmos.. until it came to a complete stop. The therapist said something that triggered a snowball effect of fears and questions. I don’t remember much of what was being said. 

I do remember my vision of the cosmos speeding up to unbelievable speeds, until I came across a giant head of an African woman in this beautiful big red head dress, with bright red lipstick, eyes all white and really dark skin with beautiful gold draped over her neck and ears. 

She stared at me with her all white eyes… spoke in this ancient dialect with a ferocious tone and then opened her mouth and I flew into her giant mouth that inhaled me.  I was in the dark abyss of space. 

At the time I was really worried about dying young. I kept having a recurring dream where I experienced the same death over and over. Maybe this dream is what led me to this place and maybe I was looking for an answer and attracted this experience. 

As I flew through her mouth, I was immediately teleported to a tropical beach. This world seemed a lot like mine and I was human in this world as well. 

I was a young white male maybe around 30 years old. I remember walking through what was my beach front palace. I remember staring at the giant pillars of my palace and how they reflected light into the rest of the house. These columns/pillars were made out of pruskite ruby red crystals. The view was nothing short of amazing. 

During my vision I remember a bittersweet feeling lingering around in the air. In this vision the sun was beginning to set and I remember feeling happy about wearing my favorite orange and blue Hawaiian shirt along with my khaki cargo shorts. 

I began walking to the sand and sat down and leaned back on one arm to watch the sunset. I was reflecting on life. I reflected on the fact that I was sitting alone in this beautiful paradise cove where I could see palm trees all along the coast getting ready to die. 

As tears of joy started rolling down my face I began taking deep breaths, I knew what was coming, but I was calm, I was at peace, I was ready. I took in my last deep breath and I was gone. 

This is how I died. I was a young 30 year old white male who was allowed to choose how to go into the afterlife. This is what I chose. My vision then zooms out into a bird’s eye view and I wake up. 

When i woke up i didn’t understand what all that meant but what i did understand was to face death with courage and valor and be happy about this beautiful thing we get to experience called life. 

In my opinion I had just experienced an inter-dimensional death that was guided by my African ancestor.  

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