finding the right building blocks

When you choose to rebuild yourself, remember you have to put one thing above everything else. That thing is making sure your foundations is in alignment with your ideal life.

Sometimes a little soul searching needs to be done to find the proper building blocks. Foundations are fundamental to our existence. We like to refer to a childhood game- most of us are familiar with Jenga.

The game starts off by building a perfect tower. Each person then has to remove as many blocks as possible without making the tower fall but If you remove a fundamental piece, the tower comes crashing down. Whoever drops the tower loses the game.

We can apply this concept to our lives, especially if we do not have clear, what our building blocks are. If we don’t aquire the right building blocks we have nowhere to fall back on when we find ourselves in turmoil. Life will constantly throw obstacles at us, there is nothing we can do to evade this. What we can do is choose the way we react to the problems life throws at us. A rock solid foundation can provide a feeling of safety during times of uncertainty and withstand hard times.

3 signs you need re-Evaluate Your foundation

  1. Steering off into unhealthy habits when things don’t go your way.

  1. Constantly feeling overwhelmed or sad. Often finding yourself romanticizing about the past.

  1. Losing your identity. Feeling confused about who and what we are.

start finding what works for you

Searching for the right pieces to build on can challenging but not nearly as challenging as hitting rock bottom. Building blocks can look different for everyone; it can be positive psychology, meditation, working out, therapy, art, sports, yoga, mix martial arts, writing, talking. It’s anything that grounds you and gives you harmony.  

We can find what foundations we want to build on by doing a couple of different things:

 Doing activities that bring us true joy and fulfillment. Like mentioned above we can meditate, work out, sing or dance. There are endless activities to do! Analyzing what you did wrong in the past, and carefully examen what you could’ve done better. Gain knowledge from previous experiences and improve this time around. It is important to keep in mind, that we should use our past as a reference, as a life lesson and not to dwell on the past.  

Most importantly remember to take some time out of your day and be grateful for all the blessings you have in your life, and for the blessings that are yet to come.

 “If you want to become whole, let yourself be partial. If you want to become straight, let yourself be crooked. If you want to become full, let yourself be empty. If you want to be reborn, let yourself die. If you want to be given everything, give everything up.”
-Lao Tzu

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