Question everything, especially yourself!
1. Who am I?
2. What am I grateful for?
3. Why do I want change in my life?
4. Why do I want to be rich?
5. What can I improve on today?
6. Who do my actions really affect?
7. How does this make me feel?
8. What options are available right now?
9. What sacrifices can I make today?
10. Will this benefit me in the long term?
11. Am I acting on emotions?
12. Can I be a better human?
13. Have I healed my past?
14. Am I afraid to be alone?
15. Who hurt me?
16. How do I feel?
17. Do I really want my life to head in that direction?
18. What does being rich mean to me?
19. Why am I really looking for a relationship?
20. Why do I want what I want?
21. Am I doing this to be socially accepted?
22. If I had no career, no money, no possessions, who would I be?
23. Is this learned behavior?
24. What makes me feel alive?
25. Have I been the best brother/sister I could be?
26. Have I been the best father/mother I could be?
27. Have I been the best son/daughter I could be?
28. Have I been the best spouse I could possibly be?
29. Am I always trying to be right?
30. Am I actually listening to my partner?
31. Am I happy?
32. Am I making healthy choices?
33. Where do my insecurities come from?
34. In this moment, what am I supposed to do?
35. Is this a limiting belief?
36. Do I deserve better?
37. Am I projecting my insecurities onto others?
38. Why do I feel excited?
39. Why do I feel this way?
40. What lessons in life am I not grasping?
41. What’s my goal in life?
42. Do I still like my goal?
43. Have I grown in the areas of life where I’m supposed to grow?
44. Have I achieved any goals I’ve set for myself so far?
45. What’s my role in society?
46. Why do I care so much?
47. What am I supposed to learn from this?
48. Am I ignoring red flags/signs?
49. Is this loving myself?
50. Do I truly believe in myself?
Dig deep and dissect every question and ask why once you’ve come up with an answer get to the bottom of every answer.
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