Surrendering To The Universe

We are all logical thinkers. We often use this same logic to plan out our future, meaning we are very calculated in our way of thinking. We do this on a daily basis. 

We get into autopilot mode and EXPECT things to go as planned. The truth is sometimes things don’t look the way we expect them to, but we hold on to our version of how we WANT things to play out. If we all got what we wanted we would leave 0 room for surprises! 

Imagine walking into a door and that door leads to another universe where we know exactly what is going to happen for the rest of our lives. Every second, even the time of death of our family members. 

Would that make us happy? 

Imagine controlling everything around us, imagine how people around us would feel…

Would that make them happy? 

Many of us would turn around and run out of that room and close that door behind us.

What does it mean to surrender? 

Surrendering does not mean we’re weak, surrender is to trust we’re going to be okay no matter what. Trusting and having faith that anything and everything we come across is for the greater good.We are being protected by _____(fill in the blank) – God – Universe or Angels.

Some of us might be going through a very rough time. Maybe a death in the family or the loss of a job or a break up. During our tough moments in life is when we must stay close to love; loving friends and family that help us raise our vibrations and heal. 

Most of us are familiar with the term “Only Time Can Heal A Broken Heart” 

The idea behind this saying is that once we let enough time pass we will no longer feel the pain. 

What ends up happening is people become aware that holding on to negative emotions has a very bad impact on them, therefore they surrender and let go. 

Those who cling onto the negative emotions or pain can drop their vibrational frequency and tune into anxiety, depression and bad habits. Negative emotions also have a physical effect on the body and can lead to serious illnesses.

Holding on is suffering, Letting go is freedom. 

When Do We Surrender?

Suppose your dream is to become a professional soccer player. You practice hard every single day, from sunrise to sunset. Picture everyone around you seeing your improvement and recognizing your new skills on the field. The hype leads to scouts coming to your games and being recruited by your favorite ball club for tryouts. 

Right before you’re about to score you get shoved off balance and land badly on your ankle! You just suffered a really bad ankle sprain and it’s going to take months to recover from it. So your favorite ball club continues without you and tells you maybe next time. 

This can either make or break a person. Do not let this break you. Let go of what happened, be present in your recovery and try again. Maybe you get better, maybe your athletic abilities are never the same after the ankle sprain, but letting go and trusting you’re going to end up where you have to be (and not where you want) is how you surrender. You can only control what you can control.

If you have an issue and you can solve it, DON’T WORRY!

If you have an issue and can’t solve it, DON’T WORRY! 

Surrender the control and let ______ (fill in the blank) or god or the universe guide you through your inner wisdom. What is inner wisdom? That’s the tiny voice that tells you to move towards peace and harmony. Inner wisdom or intuition is heard in many different ways. Some People will see signs, others will feel the answer with the body.

Don’t be a slave to society’s standards. Our paths are all different- when we put the internal work in and put that side by side with faith, life is magical. 

For the women who are trying to conceive a child, and can’t get pregnant, surrender the NEED to have a child. Surrender the urgency to get pregnant and have faith you will conceive a child when it’s time to and not when you want to. 

Even if it doesn’t happen there are bigger plans for you, maybe adoption is exactly where you’re supposed to be. 

Surrendering to the universe isn’t only for “negative”  but also for positive and happy things in life, like the birth of a child, a new job or a new relationship. 

Be present- surrender all expectations and flow with the river of life. Stop holding on and let go. Fall in love again. Enjoy it, don’t worry about what others think or might say. Things may not look the way you expected them to and that’s exactly how it is supposed to happen. 

The pieces of the puzzle are falling in place; your faith and trust in higher intelligence will reveal the full picture and then it will all make sense. 

Don’t worry about how you’re getting to the end goal, just worry about being ready and trust the universe wants you to be happy and successful.

You are safe, surrender to the universe and trust the process.

About the Author

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