
Energy – Frequency – Vibration

Energy – Frequency – Vibration

You might be familiar with the term “good vibes.” Good vibes is a short term for good vibrations. We usually use this term when indicating that someone or something left a positive feeling in us. People or situations with “good vibrations” make us want to be around them. 

To understand what vibrations, energy and frequencies are, let’s go into some basic details first. 

We are humans and inside of our bodies there are organs that are made up of cells. Inside those cells there are molecules and molecules are made up of atoms, and atoms are made up of energy. The universe, our galaxy and our planet are also pure energy.

  • Energy makes up everything, literally everything!
  • Vibrations refer to the back and forth swinging and vibrating movement of atoms and particles caused by energy.
  • Frequency, which is measured in hertz (Hz) units, is the rate at which vibrations and the “swinging back and forth” occur. If an atom is vibrating fast, this vibration would be considered a high frequency and if an atom is not moving much it’s considered a low frequency.

Energy is in constant flow. During this movement of energy, atoms begin to bump into one another and to vibrate. Like mentioned before, frequency is a way to measure the rate of these vibrations. Certain people, situations or places have a specific energy to them.

The Impact of Frequencies

It is important to know how frequencies can affect us, both positively and negatively. 

Let’s go back to 1933. Joseph Goebbles was the propaganda minister for the Nazi party. During the 1933 election, Joseph Goebbles blocked all political broadcasting other than the Nazi party broadcast. He transmitted Hitler’s speeches, usually in an outdoor form, with a Nazi rally to give the illusion of mass popularity. 

Joseph Goebbles changed the radio transmutation of 432hz to a  new frequency, 440hz. 

This was one of the many tactics that helped Hitler win the election. Joseph then proceeded to replace all radio managers with Nazi supporters. By 1934 all regional companies were unified through Nazi ideology. 

Joseph Goebbels then ordered the mass production of cheap radios and his slogan became  “A radio in every German house.” It is estimated that by 1935 Hitlers speeches reached roughly 57 million people out of a population of 70 million. Radios were produced to have a very limited range to prevent foreign broadcast. Joseph understood how to manipulate ideas and thought patterns. Propaganda was played in shopping centers, schools and even factories through loud public speakers. 

Radio was the perfect way to spread a message in an indirect way. What exactly does all this mean? As we mentioned before, Joseph Goebbles did one key thing that was instrumental in winning votes, and that was to change the frequency of the radio. Why was that change of Hertz key? 440hz is more dense and disrupts the natural flow of energy, it creates chaos in our brain wave patterns. This frequency is out of tune with nature and disrupts the harmonious flow of energy, which causes people to feel disconnected, and disharmonized. 440 hz goes against our true nature.

 Since the year 1955, 440hz has been standardized world wide. A large portion of the music we hear nowadays is tuned into 440 hz.

Raising Your Vibration

Higher frequencies create a good environment that help you flourish and feel optimistic. Low frequencies will make you feel drained and stressed and can even compromise the immune system giving space to bacteria and viruses. This not only affects you but those around you.

It is very important we tune into a healthy frequency.

Low frequency people and things need to be removed from our lives as soon as possible. Surrounding ourselves with low frequencies will lower our frequency. We must be aware of the messages we are absorbing through music, mainstream media or even those around us.

8 simple ways to vibrate higher

  1. Spend time out in nature
  2. Surround yourself with plants or animals that uplift your spirit.
  3. Hang out with people who bring out the best in you
  4. Listen to your gut feeling
  5. Uplifting others
  6. Think about positive outcomes
  7. Tell the truth.
  8. Love unconditionally


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