
8 easy ways to improve your quality of life

  1. Own Your Story- Never hide who you truly are!  When we finally come to terms with ourselves life becomes much more enjoyable and everything seems to fall into place. Learning to love yourself and your story is the most important step in improving your life. Be yourself, the world needs more of you. Be Inspiring.
  1. Live in the Moment– Write this down as a reminder, “Be present” or “Be here now”. Leave it on your desk or in your bedroom- somewhere you can see it everyday. The idea is to remain grounded. Anchor yourself in the present moment with notes or whatever you works for you. Here’s a small exercise you can try. Put all your attention on the left ear. Feel the entire ear without touching it. Placing all your attention on your ear will instantly ease the mind. Another example is taking four deep breaths, holding it for four seconds and exhaling for four seconds. If you’re overwhelmed during your day, immediately place your attention on your small pinky toe. Take deep breaths and feel the oxygen reaching your small pinky toes. These are different ways to feel present. We are over stimulated everyday but this is an exercise we can all do to gain control of ourselves, emotions, day and life.
  1. Acquire a New Skill- Acquiring a new skill is essential for bettering your life. If you want _______(fill in the blank), pick up a new skill. We have to be very honest and question ourselves.  Are we capable of more? What areas of life can we improve in? Ask questions and whatever it is you’re lacking, you can learn and develop that skill. It can be reading, communicating, selling, relationships, drawing, a new language, plumbing, music, etc… It doesn’t matter! Pick up any skill you want, as long as you try your best and stick to it. This will play a huge role in your own happiness.
  1. Conquer Your Fear-The answer is on the other side of fear. Fear, isn’t what it seems, its actually excitement. Your brain literally  doesn’t know the difference. Our deepest desires tend to be on the opposite side of fear. Just remember everything will be alright. You are safe. Trust your gut feeling.
  1. Take a Moment to Make a Moment- Have you ever taken a step back and realized how frustrated you get in traffic? Why spend your energy in such a negative way? How about doing the opposite? Make those moments as pleasant as possible. Turn up the music,  play an audiobook, call someone you haven’t spoken to. Reprogram your mind to enjoy the little things in life. Remember life’s too short to live that way. Plan small getaways and a mini vacation as often as you can or make it a habit to make a special moment at least once a week with the people you love.  It’s also okay to just do nothing just take a moment. Enjoy the every moment.
  1. Be Grateful- Gratitude can instantly make your day better. When practicing gratitude it’s impossible to feel any other emotion at the same time, that is how powerful gratitude is. Find one thing to be grateful for and change your state of mind. Alter your reality by practicing gratitude when you first wake up.
  1. Love- Don’t take the People who love you for granted. Sometimes we take loved ones for granted. Being loving isn’t “cool” and won’t get you any likes or comments, therefore we miss out on the opportunity of genuinely praising someone around us. Be gentle and kind and praise often. Always act out of love. Remember to do things because you you’d love to and not because you “have to”.
  1. Declutter your life- Declutter In every sense of the word. Get rid of anything you don’t need nor haven’t used in the last 6 months. Declutter your house and you’ll feel peace. Get rid of anything extra that does not bring you joy or value. Subconsciously you’ll do the same with people and emotions which leads to healing.


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