
5 Signs It’s Time For Change

  1. Feeling Powerless If you feel powerless, that’s a sign you must change. Feeling powerless is awful! You must make a decision now to change your environment, a relationship or job. We often sit with this feeling and this energy is carried with us throughout our day, weeks, months and even years. This feeling causes us to not be at ease. When we’re not at ease we’re in Dis-ease. People will feel powerless working for a corporation, yet take the raise and promotion when it’s offered. That’s selling your soul and that’s the real hell. Walk away if you feel this way.
  1. Frustrated / Annoyed – Sign # 2 is an obvious one. If you don’t know how to self soothe this can be harmful to you. Think about it, what good can come from feeling frustrated or annoyed at all times? Not one thing! It’s time to make a change. Change is uncomfortable- but change is full of life. Changing is life. You might have to change your job, environment, relationship or perception. If it costs peace of’s too expensive! Walk away before you get a heart attack from all the anger bottling up.
  1. Always Stressed Out –  If your work environment or environment at home is causing a lot of stress. It’s time to carve out some time to sit in silence and sit with your thoughts. Stress is no joke, it’s literally a killer! The body will release a hormone called cortisol which suppresses the immune system. Stop worrying about everything it’s not a good strategy. We worry so much that it leads to dis-ease or death. Do not think living with stress is normal. Because it’s not!  Avoid caffeine,social media, sugar or gossip, if you’re already stressed out . To eliminate stress try meditation and regular workouts, or anything that brings you peace. Covering up stress with some weed, alcohol or cigarettes is not dealing with the problem but sweeping it under the carpet. When it all resurfaces, which it will, you’ll feel overwhelmed. So start forming habits that will eliminate stress versus just postponing it.
  1. Boredom – Sometimes the root cause for all these emotions is simple boredom. Maybe we feel we have mastered our job or nothing unusual happens at home. Let me remind you all that life is not guaranteed nor should be treated as such. If boredom is at the center of all these other emotions, awesome! You know the underlying issues and can address it by challenging yourself in new ways. Life is a rollercoaster, but once you’ve been on that ride multiple times it loses it’s magic. It simply becomes ordinary. Make the change now! People who are bored become problematic and bitter. Your destiny is in your hands. Change your habits and thought patterns before you end up alone blaming everyone else for your life not turning out the way you wanted.
  1. Shocked / Numb- This last one is for people who have lost a loved one. No words can describe the weird realization, you’ll no longer see that person in flesh. Just the distant memories you once shared.  If you lost a loved one, you’ll feel all these other emotions and more! It’s important to take time and just let it out. Change isn’t always an option. Life happens to all of us. Just remember it’s painful because the love is real. Life goes on and you’re not alone. That person will accompany you on your journey until it’s time to change forms for you too.

Don’t CRY because it’s over SMILE because it happened 

– Dr.Seuss 


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