
5 Simple Ways To Evolve as a Soul


We all crave love in some way shape or form. The most powerful way to show someone love is through showing support. Some readers might think, “I wish I had a supporting ______” or “Supportive _____”. But before we judge anyone around us, ask yourself. When was the last time I was supportive? Am I more Judgmental or loving? Remember life is a mirror of who and what you are. If you want support, give support.   


Change is inevitable. But change is something we have to respond to, and not react to. Your brain will want to refer to old habits and patterns, but this is a perfect opportunity to go over your values and reflect on your decision. Pay attention to your fundamentals and that’ll explain a lot of the results you’re currently experiencing. Bad habits will always conclude with bad results. Good Habits will always result in a good life. Start small and practice small positive rituals to start your day. This can mean drinking tea instead of coffee or doing morning yoga to start the day. Start where you feel comfortable and build on top of that.


-Roughly about 115 people die every minute somewhere in the world, just think about that. It’s not such a bad idea to remind yourself that you’re part of human history for a very small period of time. This practice helps us put into perspective what we truly want, out of life. But more importantly what life wants out of us. Stop taking life for granted and evolve to your highest potential. You’re on this planet for a reason, live in the moment and remember this isn’t forever.


As we evolve we must remember to be compassionate with ourselves. In the process of reaching the next level we must shed the skin of our past self like a snake. Which can be painful and ugly. We can find ourselves feeling guilty and remorseful especially if we aren’t proud of our past. In these moments we must remember that our approach to life was different. Our knowledge was limited. Let’s not hold grudges against ourselves. We have to accept and let go. Celebrate the fact you have overcome your old ways. Now we know better, we can do better and create a brighter future for ourselves. A better world. But first we must learn to be compassionate with ourselves and then and only then, will we have the ability to feel compassion for others.


Unlearning and relearning is a long process. It’s a process that will go on for the rest of our lives! During times of change, we want to see the results immediately. But this is not how true change works. Change takes time, and we shouldn’t get discouraged if we don’t see immediate results. We must be patient with ourselves, and learn to enjoy the process. You are exactly where you have to be. Even when things aren’t right, they are. Death is the finish line, slow down and enjoy the ride. 


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